Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ending Jenesis rough query.

Apparently I'm crazy for this, but this is my favorite part of writing a book: Writing the query letter. I always think it's a good idea to start writing it near the end of your story, so you can fine tune it more and more and by the time it reaches the agents, it's quite near perfect.
Anyway, I just spent the past two hours developing these little paragraphs that will open up my query for Ending Jenesis (I'm so excited!). See what you think:


Humanity is now hunted game. They have killed us, faced us with extinction, endangered our species.

When biologists recreated life twenty years ago, the scientific breakthrough was supposed to cure all things--cancer, old age. It was not supposed to make its own decisions. It was never meant to learn the way it did. It used its lack of physicality to its advantage, controlling our dead and using the bodies to destroy us.

Jenesis has managed to survive the epidemic so far. But she and her ally Juno are alone, and strength, like everything else, fades with time. The ease of giving up overpowers the will to live. They are dying anyway.

Then he shows up and changes everything.


  1. this is really good but there is something (i don't exactly know what) thats not getting me to read through the whole thing at a good pace. Maybe its in the wording? but i really like your story and hope they don't reject it or anything! Good luck!!!

    1. Okay.. I can work on the wording. Thanks! :]

  2. Critical thoughts: Who is "it"? it is not clear who or what you mean by that pronoun. Does she know Juno intimately? Ally sounds very formal, like they just met. Unless you use it as a device in the book, I would not italicize "he"---the emphasis is unstated.

    Other than that, it looks really interesting! I've never seen a book like that before, and that would definitely make me want to give it a try!
